Are you ready to supercharge your sales? Follow our proven structure for conducting intro and demo calls and you simply cannot lose. So let’s dive right in!
Note: Make sure to make a copy of the files hosted on Google, so that you can edit them in your own account.
Tool #1. Intro Call
Download the intro call script here
Tool #2. Demo Call
Download the PowerPoint Template
Tool #3. Two Demo Decks For Inspiration
Download the $3m/year agency demo deck
Download the $100k/year agency demo deck
Bonus Strategy Session Training…
Did you know that you don’t need to do a demo call to sign clients? You could offer a free Strategy Session to plan out how you would help the prospect grow their business and then close them on a high-ticket retainer:
Tool #4. Objection Busting Cheatsheet
Tool #5. $4500 Close Live Sales Call
A word of caution – this may seem like a high pressure sales call to some. However, often with one-man band businesses, you need to navigate through their limiting beliefs to help them see how your solution would help them. An established business owner with a team or a corporate prospect would not require as much persuasion, as they would sign deals with simply numerical persuasion i.e. projected Return On Investment.